Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Episodes" Continuing...

At the time when all this was happening, I called them "Episodes."  For the longest time actually.  I never really knew what to call them.   After my stint in the ER, I continued getting my episodes quite frequently.  The first doctor I was referred to was a Neuro-Ophthalmologist because of my continued left-sided vision loss.  He diagnosed me with Optic Neuritis and sent me to a Neurologist.  I went and saw my first Neuro, Dr. S.  Quite frankly, I didn't like him very much.  He had no personality what-so-ever.  I have to admit, when I'm sick, I am a baby.  I wanted him to be somewhat the very least, empathetic.  After much debate between Dr. S. and my Obstetrician (still pregnant), I was ordered to go have my first MRI.  It sucked.  I was totally claustrophobic and unable to take anything because of my little bun in the oven.  A technician actually stayed in the room with me and held my ankles, just so I didn't feel all alone.  They also spoke through the speakers to me constantly...they were very sweet.  My MRI results were mainly negative except for a venous angioma in the right temporoparietal area.  I was told that would not be causing my symptoms. (I have had many more MRI's since and the angioma continues to be stable...and I am happy to say, I am no longer afraid of the big, bad MRI machine).  At this time, Dr. S. told me I was indeed "just" having migraines.  Although he never specifically told me which type.  He (and I) thought they were perhaps pregnancy induced and would go away once I delivered.  Boy...were we wrong!


Migrainista said...

The worst word in medicine is "just." I hope you have been able to find a neuorologist you are more comfortable with :) So important.

Jessica said...

Oh I wanna go beserk when someone uses the word "just" with me. This is the very beginning of my story, so lots more to come and all new doctors! =)