Friday, July 30, 2010

Birthday Fun...and Not So Fun

Well, it's over.  I hate to say FINALLY... but I need to re-coup.  As usual, my body betrayed me.  Tuesday, the 27th, was my 33rd birthday.  Jesse decided after I opened my gift to take me shopping, then out to dinner.  It was great.  I felt ok, but as with almost any kind of exertion, I fought a headache all day.  On Wednesday, my wonderful girlfriends threw me a little birthday beach bash.  We laid at the edge of the water, sipping our "grown-up" punch, watching all the kiddies playing in the ocean.  Soon starting raining!  Like monsoon rain.  Luckily my girls were smart enough to set up a tent.  So we all huddled together on wet, sandy blankets under the tent and ate cupcakes.  Yup, all 13 of was so cozy.  The kids had a blast playing football in the sand during the downpour though.  Really, that's all that matters.  The kids happiness.  It did eventually stop though, and back to clear, blue skies and sweltering heat.  That's Florida for ya.  It's so hot right now, the only way one would even want to be outside is to be in or near the water.  Thank goodness, I have both a pool and the beach nearby.  Last night was the end of the celebrations.  Dinner at my mom's, with the family.  And, if you all remember, I do share a birthday with my sis.  It was nice, although family gatherings definately always throw me into a tizzy!  We are a loud group of people.  By 8pm, I was dying to go home.  I needed that peace and quiet...and darkness and ice packs and medicine!!!  I don't want to live my whole life like a hermit, or a recluse....but EVERYTIME I think I am feeling better to live normally, it bites me in the ass.  I spent the majority of my night on my bathroom floor, sick as hell and in agony.


WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

sorry the fun turned bad. Outdoor parties just seem to be made to aggravate migraines! Happy belated birthday! Hope the rest of the week is good.

Migrainista said...

Yeah, everything about that sounded like fun, but painful. I'm glad you got to do so much celebrating. Sounds like you have some really wonderful people in your life.

Happy birthday!

steph said...

Happy birthday! :)

Jessica said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes ladies! I do have wonderful people in my life, I am very lucky. Lots of fun...but yes, painful. I hide it so well though.

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